Thursday 14 January 2016

2016, YEAR OF THE NEXT LEVEL ( Responding To Limitation)

Responding To Limitation

2Chr. 10. 1-19; 11.1-17

Everyone wants to win in life and, yes, that is God’s desire for everyone. However, there are limitations and obstacles that must be overcome before that will happen. Some of the limitations we find on our way are divinely put there by God for our own good. He could have created us with as many legs as a millipede or spider but he gave us two. He could have given us more eyes but he gave us two. These may not seem to be limitations but they truly are and they show how limitations are a common feature of our existence. When God put the man in the Garden of Eden, he put in the garden a limitation in form of a tree whose fruit the man was not to eat. It is critical to mention that when God puts limitations in our lives, it is for our own good. However, some of the limitations and misfortunes we find in our lives are of our own making. This is largely by reason of our refusing to live within the limitation that God has graciously put on us. Violating God’s restriction only made life more miserable for Adam.

Whichever be the case, one of the worse things one can ever do in life is to focus on his or her limitations. Some people do this and it becomes their excuse for not attaining greatness. We empower our weaknesses to stop us by not knowing how to respond to them. The truth is that whatever your limitation or misfortune, there is a way to respond to it and turn it into an advantage. Rehoboam, Solomon’s son and David’s grandson suffered a terrible leadership crisis of his own making. However, he responded to it in a way that saw him better off at the end. We must do the same. This message comes to challenge the worldchanger to choose a response to his limitation that will enable him to ultimately achieve success in the end.

It has to be acknowledged that lack of wisdom increases the limitations we bring into our lives. That is why the Word declares that “Wisdom is the principal thing.” Evidently, wisdom has not been given its principal place. Many still claim that prayer (particularly, their idea of it) is the principal thing. Some decisions in life are made for us but so many are made by us. The decisions that tie us down in life were made by us when we were bereft of wisdom. Sometimes, people complain about who they married as if they are not the ones that chose them. We decide what work we do, what school we go to, what books we read and which movies we watch. Many times we make these decisions without much knowledge and consequently tie ourselves down.

To be continued....