Monday 1 December 2014


One of the things that have the capacity to destroy a man’s life is ingratitude. Ingratitude makes a man to not take the right steps necessary to secure his future. Ingratitude functions by blinding a person to the so many blessings the person has got in life and zeroing in the person’s mind on the one thing that seems to be missing in the person’s life. Funny enough, the thing that appears missing may be something the person does not even need or something that will even destroy the person. It may be something that will surely come to the person at the right time or something that it will take maturity for the person to come to where he will enjoy it. A look across the Bible shows us how ingratitude destroy people’s destiny...

Adam and Eve were more than abundantly blessed with everything they would ever need for multiple lifetimes. Yet, they allowed the devil to focus their mind on the one thing that they were not supposed to have. Ironically, this was not something they needed. However, they got so focused on having it that they lost a whole garden that they have not even explored. Had they been grateful for their blessing, they won’t have given in to the devil’s deception.

Saul was favoured by God to be the first king of Israel. At the point of his choice and selection, he felt so unworthy and ran from the assembly to hide himself. Yet soon after he was selected, he began to feel like the throne was actually his birth right. He didn’t want God telling him how to run the nation. He would censor God’s instruction and do the part that is convenient for him. He will eventually lose the kingdom. Had he kept that humble attitude that he was unworthy for the throne, he wouldn’t have messed up and lost his kingdom.

David was chosen to be king instead of Saul and everyone expected him to be wiser. He was a shepherd boy that was raised to the throne through a series of circumstances that only God could have engineered. Unfortunately, he would wake up one day and think that he could do whatever he wanted as a king. He was wrong. He would sleep with another man’s wife, get her pregnant and kill the husband and many others in his mad attempt at cover up. As a result, he will bring a curse on his own family.

We must learn from the accounts of this people and never yield to the devil’s temptation to be ungrateful. Whatever situation we find ourselves, let us focus on the good in that circumstances and stay grateful to God.