Friday, 19 February 2016


It is my privilege to share on this platform with my fathers, brothers, sisters and friends. I pray a great year for everyone in Jesus name.
Gen. 1: 26-27; Acts 17: 23; 1Jn. 4: 4; 5: 4
Gen. 1: 26-28
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
If you are going to be victorious in life, it is important for you to understand that you are already blessed. You are not going to be blessed. You are already – done deal – blessed. To be blessed is to be empowered to prosper. It means to be equipped with everything necessary to make life eventful and interesting, 2Pet. 1: 3. How many times have you prayed the earnest prayer for God to come and live your life for you. The prayer is very touching and religious but for the most part it is useless. It is a clear example of praying amiss, Rom. 8: 26; Js. 4: 3. God does not want to live your life for you. He wants you to live it by yourself. The phrase “And let them…” in the scripture above means to leave them or allow them or permit them. In other words, it says let it be up to them to do what God has created them to do.
The implication here is that God is going to allow man to live His life on earth and without interfering with him. All He does is to equip man properly to live on the earth. That is why He didn’t create man until He had created everything necessary for him to maximize his life on earth. This should be heartwarming but it is rather frightening as we are wont to think that God is watching from heaven and will jump in at the slightest sign of anomaly and fix things for us. But that is not true. At least He would have done it in the case of Adam and Eve. As soon as He saw the serpent trying to tempt Eve and knowing in His foreknowledge how things will fall out, He should have intervened. His principles prevailed on Him to let them. It is important that we understand that this is how God orders this life. The apostle Paul puts it this way, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Christ equips me to do whatever needs to be done. He doesn’t do it for me. We need to know how God functions and fall in line with it and stop arguing unnecessarily with His rationale for so doing. He is God.
The reason it is difficult to understand God is that by our fallen nature we like to impose our will on others particularly those under our control. We refuse to let people be themselves. We manipulate them and infringe on their will to get them to do what we want. We interfere with every decision they make, supervise every plan they have, etc. Man is not created to function that way. He is created to be equipped and allowed to live his life. Parents have this problem. They keep trying to fix their children even when they are no more kids but full-grown adults. Parent should just obey the scriptures, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” The time to train your child is when the person is a child not when they are old. At old age, you leave them and trust that the investment you made in them will hold them up.
One may be tempted to ask the question, “If a person is ignorant and does not know what to do, will God just let them to make mistakes?” Again, this is an unnecessary sentiment. The truth is that at a point in life one is not expected to be ignorant. In fact, here, ignorance ceases to be an excuse even before the law. You are required to be knowledgeable. God expect us to be knowledgeable; to study, to read, to learn, to have teachers who instruct us and equip us to face life. This is the more reason why everyone should be a tireless student in life. God wants to teach you but you have to take the initiative to learn. God laments, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
The Greatest Blessing
The greatest equipment that God gave to man to enable him exercise dominion over the earth is that He made man in His image and likeness. This is similar to the making of a baby by a married couple. The baby so born comes forth with the image and likeness of the parents. In others word, our greatest asset for victory in life is our relationship with God. He is our father. We are His offspring. This is what makes prayer even effective. Our Lord Jesus taught that, “When you pray, say, Our Father…” Matt. 6: 9. The victory over every challenge you will ever face this year is because you are born of God. That relationship is your super guarantor for a victorious life. It is your super blessing – your highest blessing. We need to know it and maximize it.
As believers who long to be intimate with God, we pray that God should bring us into a stronger relationship with Him. Again, this is a prayer amiss. What relationship could ever be stronger than the father/child relationship that each one of us sustains with God? We don’t need a stronger relationship with God. We already have the strongest possible relationship with him. We need to be more deeply aware of that relationship and live in that consciousness.
You Have The Most Powerful Genes
Francis Crick, Nobel laureate who co-discovered DNA’s structure said, "We used to think that our fate was in our stars. Now we know that, in large measure, our fate is in our genes." If we are born of God, it means we are carrying His genes – His DNA. So we have His potentials, character, personality and tendencies. If our fate is in our genes and we have the most powerful genes ever, then our destiny is certainly greatness. Man is God’s baby. If so would it be so sacrilegious to say that man is a god. The birth transferred God’s potentials to you making it possible for man to have dominion on the earth. We know that this position or status was lost by man as a result of the fall but in Christ Jesus, it is restored.
You Are Born A Winner
Whatever is born of God overcomes the world, 1Jn. 5: 4. If you are born of God, then you have all you need to be victorious in life. You will never face any challenge in life that you cannot surmount. You can always know you will win. So don’t complain or murmur about anything. You are never disadvantaged no matter your position, location, salary or exposure. You can always rise to the height that God has in mind for you. Things are supposed to work in your hands. You are born a winner. You are defended, guarded, supplied for, provided for, etc. If you want to win this year and always, give your relationship with God the first place in your life. It is really your power.
The Implications Of That Birth
If we are born of God then all our needs are met. When the elder brother of the prodigal son started complaining about how his wayward younger brother was received back and celebrated whereas no gift has been given to him for all the years of his faithful labour with the father, he was expressing his ignorance. His father took him aside and schooled him, “…Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine” (Lk. 15: 31). Interesting! Whatever God has you have with Him just for being His offspring. We are even joint heir with Christ. We have His wisdom. We can have whatever we desire: healing, blessing, protection, etc. His angels are at our disposal. Not only are we equipped to overcome whatever challenges life brings, the victories of Jesus are credited to us. God sees us as having overcome the world, 1Jn. 4: 4. As such failure is not an option for us. We have the mind of Christ which makes us more than geniuses. We need to be confident of our relationship with God this year. We should treasure and invest in it. We should communicate with Him, listening and obeying His every command. Our victory is assured.