Monday 22 September 2014


Genesis 37. 5, 9“And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren…. And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.”
For maximum efficiency and productivity in any course, utilization of the best resources and platform is required. If we must change our world as worldchangers, we must employ the very best avenue to achieve it. More clearly put, the doctor that can make health policies is the one with authority, usually through excellence or positioning, not just any doctor. The businessman that can change market policies must be the one in authority or the one that has excelled above others. Same is applicable in every other sphere of endeavour. Being in government or in authority is unequivocally the best platform for influence.In a world where plenty believers have all kinds of nightmares of being pushed by all manner of things, it is interesting think that Joseph dreamed a dream, not once but twice. It was a dream to be a prince, to be the one with the authority. Wow! What a boldness...

If change must happen soon, we must look beyond religious activities and focus on taking hold of the power structures of society. We spend a lot of time and energy doing church yet societal decay is worsening. The tragedy is that we deem it godly to refrain from the so called murky waters of politics and governance.  It is high time we realised that for our light to “soshine”, we must invade that key aspect of society with God’s principles. Having a voice for God in the various sectors of society is more likely to speedily effect the change we need than just on our knees. This is not making light of prayers. We must pray but all the prayers in this world has not produced the changes we craved in this nation. Mordecai knew that everybody wailing and calling for God’s intervention without anyone going to engage the throne is a waste of time, Esther 4. Consequently, he persuaded Esther to seek to meet the king while the rest of the people raise the prayer support. Sometimes, we raise an enormous amount of prayer support which comes to nothing because no one steps up to engage the king.The voice of the few with power counts more than the voice of the masses on their knees. A paradigm shift from being the masses to being in power is expedient. This is exactly how to be that “city on a hill” and that light on a well-positioned lampstand that gives out its light to all in the house, Matthew 5.14-16. God has placed the solution of societal problems in our hands and we must work ourselves into places of authority to efficiently render the panacea.

To save His people, God used people in places of authority. The story of Joseph, Moses, Esther, Daniel, etc. confirm this. On their own, they could not achieve much but leveraging the stool of power, they did wonders. Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s house and so was well groomed to confront him and save Israel. Esther was stolen in to contest for the position of the queen which she won and ultimately used to save her people. 1Tim 2:2 says how the peace of a people is dependent on the King (the government). We must dream the uncommon dream of being in authority, no not in the spiritual world but in the physical world. We have been spiritual authorities too long without any social effect. It is time to become social powers.We are created to dominate this physical world, Gen. 1.26, 28.

This revolution is undoubtedly tough. It will take time, energy and may even cost more than can be presently calculated. But it is a course we must advance. We cannot continue to be beggarly in a society where we are supposed to rule. Let’s dream the dream. A dream opens up possibilities, brings forth hope and activates resources. Let’s dream it, see it, and think it. It may not come to fruition in the next couple of years but we must start somewhere, somehow and pass it on. We must embrace this necessary call. What is missing is not God’s help but a willing and determined people who can afford to dare the course of greatness.