Gratitude is an attitude of the heart; not words of the mouth. We take words because we can’t see the heart. Disparity between words and gestures make us suspect that what is in the heart is not what is being expressed. If a person claims he is happy but at the same time is frowning and sighing, one is likely to doubt that the fellow is honest in claiming to be happy. Unfortunately, from infancy, we have been taught that gratitude is saying thanks. So we say thanks by rote without checking whether this is really the disposition of our hearts.
1. They are other-driven and not self-driven, self-centredness and selfish.
2. They know their lives and privileges do not belong to them. These are gifts from God. It is stupid to brag about a gift.
3. They are purpose-driven. They know that God gave them their privileges for a reason. They find that reason and live according to it.
4. They are never offended with anyone since they know that whatever anyone does against them will ultimately work for their good.
5. They are never anxious for anything.
6. They do their best where they are knowing they are on their way to their destiny.
7. They are very joyful, loving and helpful.
8. They don’t usurp authority. They are happy to have got where they are and don’t feel a pressure to take what is not given to them.
9. They are not afraid to make attempts or take healthy risks in life.
10. They are responsible for the outcomes of their lives. They know that God has provided them everything they need for life and that what is missing is their input.
Don’t just say thanks. Let it come out in actions.
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